Containment Solutions
Containment Solutions:
Downflow booths
Containment isolators
Isopharm isolators
Pack off systems
Containment Solutions Features:
Local alarm option
Web-based users
User friendly
Link to GBS
SQL Database
Software under GMP
5 years data storage
Audit trails
Extract Technology provides a comprehensive range of containment solutions that operate under negative pressure HEPA filtered air to protect the operator from exposure to potent materials.

Over the following years we have been at the forefront of many significant developments and have striven to maintain our position as one of the leading containments and aseptic manufacturers in the world.
Innovation the heart of our business
Work together to deliver customer satisfaction from concept to completion
Achieve manufacturing and supply chain excellence
Provide through quality and value the best possible innovative solution to our customers
Deliver excellent customer service
Continuously strive for product and process innovation
At Extract Technology the quality and performance of our products is of the utmost importance.
As an ISO9001 accredited business, quality is at the centre of everything we do.
We monitor our processes, procedures, guides, policies and overall performance through our Quality Management System to maintain and continually improve our high standards and accountability.